In the twenty-sixth century Earth is a war-ravaged backwater. Mars and Venus are terraformed worlds recovering from a dark age and ruled by autocrats. The Asteroid Belt is the industrial hub of the Solar System. Subcommander Walker Tsume left Earth twenty years before. He joined the Martian Space Navy to find a new home. Walker is a brilliant tactician and pilot, but as an immigrant and outspoken maverick, his career stalled, leaving him at a desk deep in the bowels of Phobos. When the Martian Empire and the Asteroid Belt Confederation go to war, Walker receives command of the corvette Odin...
In the twenty-sixth century Earth is a war-ravaged backwater. Mars and Venus are terraformed worlds recovering from a dark age and ruled by autocrats....
As the Mars-Belter War continues into its second year, all Subcommander Walker Tsume wants is another ship to command. He's been promised a new warship, though it is under construction at Mercury, months from completion, and Walker is on Mars teaching Academy cadets. But an assignment as a military attache to a diplomatic conference on Earth's moon promises to bring him on his way sunward. All he has to do is deal with a sociopathic ambassador and assorted hijackers, pirates, assassins, spies, diplomats, lawyers and the girlfriend he hasn't seen since the war began. Meanwhile, somebody keeps...
As the Mars-Belter War continues into its second year, all Subcommander Walker Tsume wants is another ship to command. He's been promised a new warshi...