The Seasons of Change workbook is for those searching for a deeper connection to not only nature, but to all the elements of nature including the moon and all its cycles, each of the four seasons and coordinating solstices and equinoxes, how to create altars, and how to work with the elements of earth, air, water and fire to create magic and ritual as a regular practice.
We have created a space for study but also for receiving magical channeled messages from spirit for you as you work through the entire program. The shifts you'll attain will touch all parts of your life ... if you...
The Seasons of Change workbook is for those searching for a deeper connection to not only nature, but to all the elements of nature including the m...
"The Magic of Space Clearing" is a book that will take you on a journey through clearing energy. For those of us who are sensitive in the world, we can sometimes feel when a space is "off" or something just doesn't feel right. This book will offer tools for beginners and those who have more experience. Clearing energy can create an entirely different experience in your day. Instead of coming home to stay put on the couch, you will feel better, sleep better, opportunities will open up and the magic will be revealed Our home and work space will take on an entirely new personality once the...
"The Magic of Space Clearing" is a book that will take you on a journey through clearing energy. For those of us who are sensitive in the world, we ca...