The life story of Marion Richardson's mother, Charlotte, had been a closed book for almost seventy years. Only recently had the layers that veiled the unturned pages of her childhood begun to unfold. This is the story of a young child in Belgium born to German citizens. Their lives were interrupted when the Nazi regime entered their peaceful village temporarily robbing her family of their father and war-aged siblings. Life was disrupted when she, her brother, and mother were evacuated to their homeland border by way of panzer tanks. All seemed stripped away when as refugees, they found...
The life story of Marion Richardson's mother, Charlotte, had been a closed book for almost seventy years. Only recently had the layers that veiled the...
This coloring book has been created as a resource to be used with the book, LITTLE DOVE, 2015 bronze Illumination Award winner for Christian children's book. It is the author's desire that young children come to recognize the move of the Holy Spirit in their lives. By identifying and illustrating fourteen actions of the little dove, she hopes that the character of the Spirit of The Lord is more understandable to both young and old. May this be just the beginning of your journey with the Spirit of The Lord
This coloring book has been created as a resource to be used with the book, LITTLE DOVE, 2015 bronze Illumination Award winner for Christian children'...
In LITTLE LEVIATHAN, it the author's desire that this tale bring the reader a greater respect for the power and glory of God witnessed through His own words concerning His creation, to an understanding of His divine providence over His beloved, to a great faith in the victory Jesus Christ has won over any enemies and all fear, and that it would cause your heart to well up with praise for our most holy and benevolent God. She wrote this rhyming tale based on Chapter 41 of Job because it was intriguing to her that the Lord would elaborate so eloquently on one of His creatures. There is great...
In LITTLE LEVIATHAN, it the author's desire that this tale bring the reader a greater respect for the power and glory of God witnessed through His own...
Jesus tells us that He is the Good Shepherd and we are His sheep. So many of us fail to embrace the character traits of the children of God. Perhaps if we were to begin at an early age, our lives would exemplify those characteristics of Christ that he identifies in His Word. This book contains scriptural quotations from and about Jesus as well as a page of ideas for further developing the message of this book.
Jesus tells us that He is the Good Shepherd and we are His sheep. So many of us fail to embrace the character traits of the children of God. Perhaps i...
Michael is frustrated with his lackluster role as wise man in the church's Christmas Pageant. He wants to go home to the exciting events of the REAL Christmas and its twinkling tree lights. After a series of night visions, Michael realizes that what he thought to be real was not. He comes to realize that Christmas is about Jesus and His birth in the manger. This story, along with its delightful watercolor illustrations, draws a strong contrast between the commercialized side of Christmas and the true Biblical recount of the coming of The Messiah at Bethlehem.
Michael is frustrated with his lackluster role as wise man in the church's Christmas Pageant. He wants to go home to the exciting events of the REAL C...
This story is very much about teaching children through example. I have included important verses from scripture which are a Biblical foundation for children. They teach about God. God is sovereign. He is Holy. He is love.
This story is very much about teaching children through example. I have included important verses from scripture which are a Biblical foundation for c...
The author hopes that this book will lead to a better understanding of the things that Jesus did for us all. Jesus came to earth with a purpose and a plan. He was obedient and sinless in all He did. His work was not complete until He died on the cross, rose from the dead, and ascended into Heaven. His blood paid the price for ALL our sins. May this collection of 40 things that Jesus did for you and me bring you closer to Him.
The author hopes that this book will lead to a better understanding of the things that Jesus did for us all. Jesus came to earth with a purpose and a ...
Children can learn early to put their trust in God. They can depend on His ways to be right. They can pray to Him, study His Word, and be intentional in their behavior. By beginning these good habits at an early age, their future will have a strong foundation of faith. As the friends learn in this story, God wants us to be "strong and of good courage." He desires that we place our lives in His loving, caring hands and expect a good outcome. May the lesson from this be that God has a good and perfect plan for our lives. We should ask Him to prepare the path before us. We can trust in His ways....
Children can learn early to put their trust in God. They can depend on His ways to be right. They can pray to Him, study His Word, and be intentional ...