Texas 100 Year Old African American Churches is a 8.5 X 8.5-60 page full color pictorial history of Texas African American Churches that are over 100 years old. The book includes churches in the following Texas cities Galveston, Dickinson, Texas City, Brookshire, Freedmen's Town, Houston Heights, Fifth Ward, Independence Heights, Bordersville, Barrett Station, Needville, Piney Point, Kohrville, Independence Grove, Hempstead, Pledger, and Bellville.
Texas 100 Year Old African American Churches is a 8.5 X 8.5-60 page full color pictorial history of Texas African American Churches that are over 100 ...
8.5 x 8.5-58 page full color paperback pictorial history of some of the remaining structures in historical Texas settlements founded by African Americans after the Civil War including Lily White, Riceville, Piney Point, Kohrville, Barrett Station, Bordersville, and Independence Grove.
8.5 x 8.5-58 page full color paperback pictorial history of some of the remaining structures in historical Texas settlements founded by African Americ...
Highland Tank Our Settlement is a 8.5 X 8.5 full color paperback pictorial history of the remaining structures in the original 1867 Settlement in Texas City, Texas 150 years after the Civil War and slavery. Each structure, place, or building is listed by its original name.
Highland Tank Our Settlement is a 8.5 X 8.5 full color paperback pictorial history of the remaining structures in the original 1867 Settlement in Texa...
Houston Independence Heights is an 8.5 x 8.5-48 page full color paperback pictorial history book of Houston's Independence Heights, Texas. The city was incorporated on January 25, 1915 and became the first Incorporated African American City in Texas.
Houston Independence Heights is an 8.5 x 8.5-48 page full color paperback pictorial history book of Houston's Independence Heights, Texas. The city wa...