Tesis de Maestria del ano 2012 en eltema Romanistica - Espanol, literatura, cultura general, Universite de Douala, Idioma: Espanol, Resumen: In this investigation, we study spanish prepositions and what is generally said about them. Before, prepositions were considered as a part of the class of conjunctions. Finally, Dionisio de Tracia was who made independents prepositions as a class of words. From then on, they became a subject of study. In their description, they have three mains characteristics: the preposition as connecting element, subordinator and transpositor element. The class of...
Tesis de Maestria del ano 2012 en eltema Romanistica - Espanol, literatura, cultura general, Universite de Douala, Idioma: Espanol, Resumen: In this i...