Inspired by the legendary works of Henry Miller, Jack Kerouac and Hunter S. Thompson, Detroit writer Ryan Bartek traveled the USA to create his own heavy metal / punk rock road saga of extreme journalism. 1 year, 35 States, 600+ hours on Greyhounds & 1000 cities later, "The Big Shiny Prison" was released - a unique travel book featuring hundreds of face-to-face interviews with legends in the metal/punk undergrounds, as well as other alternative & fringe cultures in America.
"FORTRESS EUROPE" (The Big Shiny Prison Vol. II)' chronicles Ryan Bartek traveling Europe and...
Inspired by the legendary works of Henry Miller, Jack Kerouac and Hunter S. Thompson, Detroit writer Ryan Bartek traveled the USA to create his own...
Inspired by the legendary works of Henry Miller, Jack Kerouac and Hunter S. Thompson, Detroit writer Ryan Bartek traveled the USA to create his own metal/punk road saga of extreme journalism. 1 year, 35 States, 600+ hours on Greyhounds & 1000 cities later, "The Big Shiny Prison (Volume One)" was released - a unique travel book featuring hundreds of interviews with legends in the metal/punk undergrounds and other alternative cultures in America today. Less a "music book" and more a tribute to the Beat Generation, this genre-defying work combines the classic autobiographical road novel with...
Inspired by the legendary works of Henry Miller, Jack Kerouac and Hunter S. Thompson, Detroit writer Ryan Bartek traveled the USA to create his own...