Cousins Diego and Sofia go on magical adventures with their Grandpa Roberto. This time they catch a talking fish, which grants them a wish after they let it go. In the end, the cousins and their grandfather choose the wisest wish.
Los Primos Diego y Sofia se embarcan en aventuras magicas con Abuelo Roberto. En esta ocasion atrapan a un pez parlante, que les concede un deseo cuando lo dejan irse. Al final, los primos y el abuelo escogen el mas sabio de los deseos."
Cousins Diego and Sofia go on magical adventures with their Grandpa Roberto. This time they catch a talking fish, which grants them a wish after th...
First a three-day bash at a college hippie pad... then maybe adulthood. Peace, Love, and You Know What is a comedy framed by the Vietnam War and Watergate.
First a three-day bash at a college hippie pad... then maybe adulthood. Peace, Love, and You Know What is a comedy framed by the Vietnam War and Water...
Edie St. Claire is smack in the middle of what's going on in Conwell: her in-laws' general store, the Do-Si-Do Bar, and this small town's biggest scandal in years. Her father is a crusty so-and-so who runs the town dump. Her wisecracking aunt is as fiery as her dyed red hair. Both live next to Edie and her young daughter on this dead-end dirt road. Edie is a woman on the go, pretty and direct, but she holds onto an old sadness: the death of her husband in Vietnam. She tries to ease her grief with his married brother, Walker. But when the affair comes to a tragic end, Edie does her best to...
Edie St. Claire is smack in the middle of what's going on in Conwell: her in-laws' general store, the Do-Si-Do Bar, and this small town's biggest scan...