This is the story of Jessica Parker, a young girl who -- against all odds -- fulfills her self-chosen mission to free a circus troupe of wild animals and take them back to their birthplace in Africa. Our heroine's exhilarating adventure takes her from England to the remotest jungles of Central Africa, from where she makes her way, alone, back to Western civilization. Hers is a fable filled with compassion, courage, and determination; and demonstrates the bonds that can be forged between a human being and the wildest of wild animals.
This is the story of Jessica Parker, a young girl who -- against all odds -- fulfills her self-chosen mission to free a circus troupe of wild anima...
"A very powerful page-turner. Iain McGarvie-Munn writes eloquently and passionately about his life, his loves, and his castle. In I Had a ChAteau in Provence, the author takes his audience on an exquisite and powerful journey - from hardship to nobility, from Central America to the south of France - that readers will not soon forget. This autobiography is a true page-turner; what seems like a fantasy is every bit as real as it gets."
Gail Eisnitz, author of "Slaughterhouse" and winner of the Albert Schweitzer Medal
"A very powerful page-turner. Iain McGarvie-Munn writes eloquently and passionately about his life, his loves, and his castle. In I Had a ChAteau i...