The Great Commission mandate to "go and make disciples" includes a process of laying a biblical foundation within our hearts, minds, and lives. The collective body of Christians forms a living organism which is inspired by the indwelling Holy Spirit and the Word of God. When spiritual growth does not occur, when faith is not put into practice in daily life, when the renewal process is hindered, you hurt not only yourself, but you (potentially) compromise the health of your local church. The followers of Jesus the Messiah (Yeshua HaMashiach) do so, not only by their words, but by a life that...
The Great Commission mandate to "go and make disciples" includes a process of laying a biblical foundation within our hearts, minds, and lives. The co...
Anointing & Spiritual Gifts covers how our spiritual gifts are the primary tools given to each of us by the Father to do His will. Each born-again believer must understand that the underlining purpose of the LORD giving each of us a spiritual gift-mix is not only an avenue for self-expression in our service to the Lord, but the primary avenue to reach the lost. Spiritual gifts are not to be confined within the perimeters of the local church. It is via our spiritual gifts that we are uniquely equipped to be effective is fulfilling our role in the Great Commission. The role of spiritual gifts...
Anointing & Spiritual Gifts covers how our spiritual gifts are the primary tools given to each of us by the Father to do His will. Each born-again bel...