The first in a series of Science fiction action and adventure books about Amber, a 16 year old girl from Earth who discovers she has extraordinary powers. Set in the present (for the moment), follow Amber through her journey from the point where her powers are discovered, through to its exiting conclusion. What is the Scraine ? Who are the Faireans? And why are they searching the universe for beings with a particular ability. Do the Faireans have an underlying motive which is hidden from the subjects they transport to back to Gallus Five for assessment as to the level of their abilities? The...
The first in a series of Science fiction action and adventure books about Amber, a 16 year old girl from Earth who discovers she has extraordinary pow...
The second in a series of Science fiction action and adventure books about Amber, a girl from Earth who has discovered she has extraordinary powers. Follow Amber as she embarks on her journey to make the universe a better place and inadvertently stumbles upon a plan that threatens every living being in the universe. The evil plan has been formulated by an evil race bent on universal domination even if in achieving their goal they wipe out every living creature in the universe. Amber returns to Caspian Five, the most technologically advanced planet in the universe where she hopes to enhance...
The second in a series of Science fiction action and adventure books about Amber, a girl from Earth who has discovered she has extraordinary powers. F...