Cassandrassa avaruusalus saapui vieraalle planeetalle noin 20 vuotta aikaisemmin. Saapumisen jalkeen robotit rakensivat aluksen ymparille siirtokunnan ja aloittivat aluksessa sen mukana olleiden ihmisten kasvattamisen. Nama ihmiset hedelmoitettiin ja kasvatettiin aluksessa aina 16-vuotiaiksi asti vuosiluokittain. Nyt vanhin vuosiluokka on tullut 16 vuoden ikaan ja heidat paastetaan ulos aluksesta kasvatettuina ja koulutettuina tutkimaan uutta maailmaa."
Cassandrassa avaruusalus saapui vieraalle planeetalle noin 20 vuotta aikaisemmin. Saapumisen jalkeen robotit rakensivat aluksen ymparille siirtokunnan...
In this book the story which started in Cassandra and the Unknown World, continues. The colonists continue exploring the environment and they make discoveries which will change their lives forever. This book also has an essay on the embryo space colonization in the end of the book.
In this book the story which started in Cassandra and the Unknown World, continues. The colonists continue exploring the environment and they make dis...
Cassandra has been kidnapped The colonists and their friends must try to rescue her. At the same time, there are going to happen things which will influence on the colony and humans on Eden as well. This is the third book in after "Cassandra and the Unknown World" and "The Mysteries of Eden."
Cassandra has been kidnapped The colonists and their friends must try to rescue her. At the same time, there are going to happen things which will in...