A must have for the struggling student, people with fixed incomes and the wife or parent that wants to stay home. You will learn everything from cleaning up your finances, creating a household budget, building a savings and getting out of debt. You will learn how to live an abundant life on very little. Find your financial freedom.
A must have for the struggling student, people with fixed incomes and the wife or parent that wants to stay home. You will learn everything from clean...
This is a must have guide for the housewife who isn't perfect, has no dreams of matching the Martha Stewart's out there, but does take great pride in having a clean, charming, and tidy home. This is for the mothers out there that want to run the home and raise the children in a stress free and affordable way. This is for the wife that would like to be the hostess with the mostess, but not toil and fret all day and has no talents in making radishes into roses. This is for the real housewive's that are a little funky, want to be frugal, want the adorable home, maybe a little farm in their Urban...
This is a must have guide for the housewife who isn't perfect, has no dreams of matching the Martha Stewart's out there, but does take great pride in ...