"Passion Never Sleeps," chronicles the continuing story of the passionate love and lives of Aaron Barstowe and Douglas Channing. As their journey continues, they are met with yet another tragedy involving Aaron's mother which begins to consume them as they are drawn into the drama that comes with it all the while having to balance that with taking care of their newly adopted daughter Amanda. However, as that chapter is drawn to a close for Ms. Barstowe, Aaron and Doug return to their home and daughter making an enormous effort to start living a more normal, less extravagant life so that they...
"Passion Never Sleeps," chronicles the continuing story of the passionate love and lives of Aaron Barstowe and Douglas Channing. As their journey cont...
Dylan's lifestyle may be questionable to morally conservative (i.e. narrow-minded) individuals, but his family values and home life prove to be no different than his or Tanner's parents when they got married. He makes a killer living compared to Tanner but when it comes to falling in love with someone else, everything that he has might just as well belong to whoever holds the key to his heart and so it's really no different than that of my own parents or those of you, my readers. I've come to discover that the only difference in heterosexual versus homosexual couples is simply that of...
Dylan's lifestyle may be questionable to morally conservative (i.e. narrow-minded) individuals, but his family values and home life prove to be no dif...
Dylan's lifestyle may be questionable to morally conservative (i.e. narrow-minded) individuals, but his family values and home life prove to be no different than his or Tanner's parents when they got married. He makes a killer living compared to Tanner but when it comes to falling in love with someone else, everything that he has might just as well belong to whoever holds the key to his heart and so it's really no different than that of my own parents or those of you, my readers. I've come to discover that the only difference in heterosexual versus homosexual couples is simply that of...
Dylan's lifestyle may be questionable to morally conservative (i.e. narrow-minded) individuals, but his family values and home life prove to be no dif...