Are we living in the end times? How close are we? The early church believed that Christ could come at any moment. Today we have lost that urgent sense of expectation. In this book on prophecy, your dry bones twill come to life as you examine the evidence for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus is coming soon. How close are we? The time is so close you can almost hear the hoof beats of Armageddon Jesus stands at the door We have powerful reasons for believing that Christ may come in our generation In this book we will discuss some of these incredible...
Are we living in the end times? How close are we? The early church believed that Christ could come at any moment. Today we have lost that urgent sense...
How the Tolerate Everything Philosophy is Putting Your World in Serious Jeopardy. Originally I was going to call this book "Survival Guide in a Permissive Society," but in a very short time, a chain of events unfolded which led me to believe that we had crossed the line from permissive to hostile In case you have been on vacation on the dark side of the moon and don't know what on earth is going on, let me fill you in; our entire civilization is in crisis The establishment, our secular society, and who knows who else are now on hostile terms with Christianity While some scoff at Christians...
How the Tolerate Everything Philosophy is Putting Your World in Serious Jeopardy. Originally I was going to call this book "Survival Guide in a Permis...