Looking for an Easy Way to Add Fun to Your Relationship with Your Nieces and Nephews? After years of wishing she could be closer to her grandchildren and hearing the same desire from other aunties, Linda Barlogio decided to do something about it. Merging her experience in Education, Counseling, and Communication with her creativity, she wrote Gallivanting Granny and Gallivanting Auntie and developed an easy and fun way for grannies and aunties to interact with their grandchildren and nieces and nephews. The wacky plot will make you giggle, but the benefits will wondrously emerge when you do...
Looking for an Easy Way to Add Fun to Your Relationship with Your Nieces and Nephews? After years of wishing she could be closer to her grandchildren ...
Looking for an Easy Way to Add Fun to Your Relationship with Your Grandchild? After years of wishing she could be closer to her grandchildren and hearing the same desire from other grannies, Linda Barlogio decided to do something about it. Merging her experience in Education, Counseling, and Communication with her creativity, she wrote Gallivanting Granny and developed an easy and fun way for grannies to interact with their grandchildren. The wacky plot will make you giggle, but the benefits will really begin to emerge when you do the activity included and invite your grandkids to...
Looking for an Easy Way to Add Fun to Your Relationship with Your Grandchild? After years of wishing she could be closer to her grandchildren and hear...