In a dramatic departure from her popular prehistoric fiction, Sandra Saidak now offers up her first alternate history novel. Two generations after Germany won World War II, a lonely college student named Adolf Goebbels wanders into a dusty museum and discovers books and artifacts of a dead race called "Jews." Although a member of the Nazi elite, Adolf resents the oppression, fear, and isolation that are part of daily life in the Aryan "paradise" his grandparents helped build. As he reads the forgotten books, and meets the outcasts who gather at the museum, Adolf discovers a purpose he has...
In a dramatic departure from her popular prehistoric fiction, Sandra Saidak now offers up her first alternate history novel. Two generations after Ger...
Daughter of the Goddess Lands is the unforgettable saga of Kalie, a courageous young heroine born into the untamed beauty of prehistoric Europe. Kalie's peaceful life is shattered when a brutal attack by horsemen from the east leave her scarred in body and soul. As the sole survivor of the assault, Kalie makes her way home, and warns her people to prepare for the invasion that she knows is coming. But the goddess-worshiping farmers of her home have no concept of battle, and dismiss Kalie's warning. When the marauders strike again, they cut a swath of destruction and death that prove too late...
Daughter of the Goddess Lands is the unforgettable saga of Kalie, a courageous young heroine born into the untamed beauty of prehistoric Europe. Kalie...
"Shadow of the Horsemen" continues the saga of Kalie, the intrepid heroine of "Daughter of the Goddess Lands." Kalie is rising in status and influence among her captors, the horsemen that control the rugged steppes of prehistoric Europe. Now she seeks the weapon that will save her people, but time is running out as Haraak the Kingmaker, forges a mighty federation of tribes, intent on invading Kalie's rich and peaceful homeland. Kalie finds, an unlikely ally in Riyik, a powerful warrior whose crippled son Kalie has been treating with her healing skills. Forced to work together, the two find...
"Shadow of the Horsemen" continues the saga of Kalie, the intrepid heroine of "Daughter of the Goddess Lands." Kalie is rising in status and influence...
After more than a year as a slave to the brutal horse nomads, Kalie returns to the Goddess Lands to face her greatest challenge. Varlas of the Wolf Tribe has united the clans, and leads his horde to conquer Kalie's home and replace the Goddess with gods of war and thunder. The only hope for Kalie's people is her lover, Riyik, and the warriors who follow him. They must turn peaceful farmers into warriors who can defeat Varlas' mounted host. But not everyone in the Goddess lands will accept this transformation. Kalie and Riyik must fight enemies from without and within to save their home. As...
After more than a year as a slave to the brutal horse nomads, Kalie returns to the Goddess Lands to face her greatest challenge. Varlas of the Wolf Tr...