In acest roman de iubire contemporan, Meg simte ca viata ei personala, precum si cariera sa, sunt pline de rutina, dar considera ca isi poate schimba soarta daca este destul de curajoasa sa ia decizii neobisnuite. De aceea, ea hotaraste sa isi testeze norocul in Paris, unde se va regasi in mijlocul celei mai excitante experiente a vietii sale. Soarta ei este insa capricioasa si va avea de infruntat pericole pentru ca in final sa gaseasca ceea ce cauta in cariera, iar inima ei sa fie de asemenea angajata intr-o poveste de dragoste care ii va aduce implinire sufleteasca. Ea alege sa nu accepte...
In acest roman de iubire contemporan, Meg simte ca viata ei personala, precum si cariera sa, sunt pline de rutina, dar considera ca isi poate schimba ...
Meg wanted a new challenge. She got the challenge of her life and lost her heart in the process. In this sizzling new adult romance, Meg is stuck in a rut both in her personal life and in her career. She is still confident that her fate would change if she is brave enough to make out-of-the-box choices. She chooses to test her luck in Paris, and she throws herself in the middle of the most challenging experience of her lifetime. Fate is capricious, though, and trouble lies ahead. She questions the status quo and consequently, her life is at stake. She finds her way and gets involved in a...
Meg wanted a new challenge. She got the challenge of her life and lost her heart in the process. In this sizzling new adult romance, Meg is stuck in a...
In this first book of the inspirational and humorous series Perfect Halves, talking about love and adventure and second chances, the novel Double-Edged joins Kate, a small, independent shop owner on her quest for romance and happily ever after. Against her better judgment, against her wishes, she allows her friend to push her into the world of online dating, where she encounters the most infuriating, stranger, and yet most interesting man she has ever come across. Over several intense months of correspondence, Kate becomes embroiled in a global adventure with a man she knows either too little...
In this first book of the inspirational and humorous series Perfect Halves, talking about love and adventure and second chances, the novel Double-Edge...
Becka is a witch and not a very good one. With her great-grandmother's curse hanging over her she has no idea how to escape her fate. When she suddenly spills her coffee on a stranger she finds out there's more to life than what she thought.
But is she ready for what that means?
Becka is a witch and not a very good one. With her great-grandmother's curse hanging over her she has no idea how to escape her fate. When she ...