The third in the rainbow series of coloring books by Yoga Teddy Bear, Yoga Teddy Bear Things & Stuff features our hero with a wide variety of objects for that help make yoga accessible and fun for kids and grown ups alike. This book features a variety of poses ranging from Tree Pose to Bridge Pose. Each pose depicts the bear with an object in a creative setting that's fun to color. Clear pose descriptions are accompanied by Sanskrit translation and lettering and a difficulty key code. The back of this book reads: Hello I'm Yoga Teddy Bear. I love to move. I love to stretch. I love to...
The third in the rainbow series of coloring books by Yoga Teddy Bear, Yoga Teddy Bear Things & Stuff features our hero with a wide variety of objec...
Yoga Teddy Bear: The Big Little Coloring Book of 108 poses will ensure you are never at a loss for a yoga pose again. Use this book to enhance your practice, learn yoga's Sanskrit names, or even to win prizes or money in Yoga Teddy Bear's ongoing online coloring and yoga contest. It's an equally perfect gift for anyone who already enjoys yoga or a beginner who's curious about the practice.
Yoga Teddy Bear and friends are sure to inspire both creativity and movement in this comprehensive coloring book featuring 108 core yoga poses. Loosely based on the pivotal "Light on Yoga" book...
Yoga Teddy Bear: The Big Little Coloring Book of 108 poses will ensure you are never at a loss for a yoga pose again. Use this book to enhance your...