Sin Eternal is more than just a re-tooling of the immortal classic, Dante's Inferno. It plants itself firmly in the modern world and away from the political crimes that dominated Dante's work. It brings a very basic questioning of the man's faith as he witnesses some of the most horrendous punishments that could be exacted. The story covers the travels of the man who is sent to hell to examine the various torments and punishments that the sinners of Earth are forced to face each moment of eternity. From the slovenly gluttons to the fates of the suicides, from the heretics to the thieves, a...
Sin Eternal is more than just a re-tooling of the immortal classic, Dante's Inferno. It plants itself firmly in the modern world and away from the pol...
La Vita Nuova (Vida nueva) es la primera obra conocida de Dante Alighieri, escrita entre 1292 y 1293, poco despues de la muerte de su amada Beatriz. Consta de 42 capitulos en los que se alterna poesia y prosa. El sentido del titulo viene dado por la renovacion vital que experimenta el poeta al enamorarse de su amada. Dante encuentra por primera vez a Beatriz a los nueve anos y se enamora de ella en el acto. Vuelve a encontrarla nueve anos despues, a los dieciocho de edad, y compone un soneto en honor suyo. Desde ese momento, siente por Beatriz un amor platonico, y su mayor felicidad es ser...
La Vita Nuova (Vida nueva) es la primera obra conocida de Dante Alighieri, escrita entre 1292 y 1293, poco despues de la muerte de su amada Beatriz. C...
Verse translation by prize-winning translator with facing Italian text. Part of Alma Classics' collection of Dante's complete Italian works, this edition is fully annotated.
Verse translation by prize-winning translator with facing Italian text. Part of Alma Classics' collection of Dante's complete Italian works, this edit...
L'Enfer est la premiere partie (cantica) de la Divine Comedie de Dante Alighieri. Les parties suivantes sont le Purgatoire et le Paradis. C'est un livre qui fait date. Il est l'une des expressions les plus pures de l'humanisme chretien du XIII siecle pour lequel le mal n'est que la privation du Bien et l'Enfer, l'abime engendre par le premier ange rebelle, Lucifer. Dante prend l'image au pied de la lettre et nous exposer la geographie interieure de ce gouffre. Cette fresque morale decrit l'univers de fond en comble et assigne a chaque personnage, historique ou mythique, sa place dans...
L'Enfer est la premiere partie (cantica) de la Divine Comedie de Dante Alighieri. Les parties suivantes sont le Purgatoire et le Paradis. C'est un liv...
La Comedie ou la Divine Comedie est un poeme de Dante Alighieri ecrit en tercets enchaines d'hendecasyllabes en langue vulgaire florentine. Composee, selon la critique, entre 1303-1304 et 1321, la Commedia est l'oeuvre de Dante la plus celebre et l'un des plus importants temoignages de la civilisation medievale. Connue et etudiee dans le monde entier, elle est tenue pour l'un des chefs-d'oeuvre de la litterature.
La Comedie ou la Divine Comedie est un poeme de Dante Alighieri ecrit en tercets enchaines d'hendecasyllabes en langue vulgaire florentine. Composee, ...
Inferno is the first part of Dante Alighieri's 14th-century epic poem Divine Comedy. It is followed by Purgatorio and Paradiso. The Inferno tells the journey of Dante through Hell, guided by the ancient Roman poet Virgil. In the poem, Hell is depicted as nine concentric circles of suffering located within the Earth; it is the realm ... of those who have rejected spiritual values by yielding to bestial appetites or violence, or by perverting their human intellect to fraud or malice against their fellowmen. As an allegory, the Divine Comedy represents the journey of the soul toward God, with...
Inferno is the first part of Dante Alighieri's 14th-century epic poem Divine Comedy. It is followed by Purgatorio and Paradiso. The Inferno tells the ...