This volume is a continuation of Graded Go Problems For Beginners, Volume 2 and is aimed at the 20-kyu to 15-kyu player.
The problems presented here will require a bit of thought, but none of them is so difficult that a player who understands the rules, has had some experience playing games, and has studied the first and second volumes would not be able to solve in less than a minute.
Since the main aim of this series is to present as many examples of go technique as possible, I have avoided giving a lot of different variations of possible answers. Furthermore,...
This volume is a continuation of Graded Go Problems For Beginners, Volume 2 and is aimed at the 20-kyu to 15-kyu player.
This is the first volume of a four-volume collection of problems and is intended for players who are learning the rules of go. The nearly1500 problems this set contains cover all phases of the game, from the opening to the endgame. It is assumed that the reader is studying a good and comprehensive beginner's book on go, such as Go: A Complete Introduction to the Game by Cho Chikun. For reference, however, we have included a brief summary of the rules.
This is the first volume of a four-volume collection of problems and is intended for players who are learning the rules of go. The nearly1500 probl...