A heartwarming story of women writers who meet on a regular basis to share their stories but not much of their histories. As the tale unfolds, we learn that although what they write is interesting, their previous years are even more so.
A heartwarming story of women writers who meet on a regular basis to share their stories but not much of their histories. As the tale unfolds, we lear...
In an attempt to combat the dullness of her later years, Nellie decides to become an undercover detective-without benefit of training-but her early attempts make her aware that she needs a male escort to get her into the kinds of places where she hopes to hear of upcoming illegal activities. Where better to find a man she could hire cheaply than a soup-kitchen frequented by the homeless? This decision not only changes her everyday experiences; it changes her entire life.
In an attempt to combat the dullness of her later years, Nellie decides to become an undercover detective-without benefit of training-but her early at...