Michael L. Rickaby Michael L. Rickaby Orlando Baez
The Worlds Largest comic book anthology continues MEGABOOK M4, the little brother behemoth to it's predecessors M1 thru M3 has arrived in digital and print editions 51 amazing stories of action and adventure and 292 pages long Incredible comics from amazing comic book creators. Join the legions of fans enjoying the adventures from the indie world CAUTION This book may cause injury, because it is HEAVY Be SAFE and seek out a partner for lifting Use your legs and not your back And let them read MEGABOOK M4 too Thank You for supporting Indie comic book creators everywhere CE Publishing...
The Worlds Largest comic book anthology continues MEGABOOK M4, the little brother behemoth to it's predecessors M1 thru M3 has arrived in digital and...
Michael L. Rickaby Benjamyn M. Rickaby Orlando Baez
Amazing comics from incredible indie comic book creators. The Behemouth anthology continues Join the legions of MEGAFANS enjoying the adventures of the indy underworld See tomorrow's greatest creative teams and publishers that are destined to make it big in comics. CAUTION Be SAFE and seek out a partner for lifting this massive book And let them read M3 too Use your legs and not your back 22 stories and 312 pages long
Amazing comics from incredible indie comic book creators. The Behemouth anthology continues Join the legions of MEGAFANS enjoying the adventures of t...