The story of a young widowed farm worker, caught up in the upheaval of the Industrial revolution. Forced to migrate to a mining community in North Yorkshire.Faced with adversity, it is through hard work and the love of a young girl th at he is able to face the future.
The story of a young widowed farm worker, caught up in the upheaval of the Industrial revolution. Forced to migrate to a mining community in North Yor...
Set In Whitby North Yorkshire England, during the Goth festivals of 2015 A young Goth girl is found dead in the graveyard of the Abbey, it seems connected to Dracula. Then other victims are discovered. DCI Hewson must act quickly to solve the case especially when it becomes persona
Set In Whitby North Yorkshire England, during the Goth festivals of 2015 A young Goth girl is found dead in the graveyard of the Abbey, it seems conne...