New technologies have the potential to greatly mitigate cognitive, motor, and social impairments stemming from genetic or environmental factors. Recent Advances in Assistive Technologies to Support Children with Developmental Disorders raises awareness of disabled children and what can be done to help them grow and develop alongside their peers.
New technologies have the potential to greatly mitigate cognitive, motor, and social impairments stemming from genetic or environmental factors. Rec...
Presents the latest scholarly research on the stimulation and implementation of creative thinking in academic and professional environments. Highlighting the foundations of creativity from theoretical and neuroscientific perspectives, this book is ideally designed for academics, professionals, educators, and practitioners.
Presents the latest scholarly research on the stimulation and implementation of creative thinking in academic and professional environments. Highlight...
"This book contains the latest studies on love, passion and sexuality. It delves into the areas of LGBTQ relationships, relationship preferences, practices and circumstances of individuals from varying cultural and ethnic backgrounds and about attachment security, dating and best practices for establishing healthy intimate and family relationships from a relationship coaching perspective"--
"This book contains the latest studies on love, passion and sexuality. It delves into the areas of LGBTQ relationships, relationship preferences, prac...
Offers in-depth studies that anchor concepts of happiness, kindness, wellbeing, and empathy from a scientific perspective. Featuring research on topics such as cognitive revolution, neurobiology of wellbeing, and rational emotive behaviour therapy, this book is designed for sociologists, academics, psychology professionals, researchers, and graduate-level students.
Offers in-depth studies that anchor concepts of happiness, kindness, wellbeing, and empathy from a scientific perspective. Featuring research on topic...