In the continuing saga of the Story of Q, Rachael and Melanie's cat, Misha, is accidentally transported to Hanuu. While frantically searching for the curious feline, they get more than they bargained for, when they discover that the inhabitants have mysteriously vanished from the island.
In the continuing saga of the Story of Q, Rachael and Melanie's cat, Misha, is accidentally transported to Hanuu. While frantically searching for the ...
"A vast garden -- ageless, mysterious and watchful -- surrounds the Hamlet, a peaceful and diverse community of animals beset by fearful threats. Clever, strong and merciless, the enemies of the Hamlet determine on punishment and conquest. With courage and ingenuity, the Hamlet attempts to defend itself."
"A vast garden -- ageless, mysterious and watchful -- surrounds the Hamlet, a peaceful and diverse community of animals beset by fearful threats. Clev...