Every person has a divine destiny. Every born again believer has been called to live a life marked by the victory, power, character, and holiness of God. Deep within our spirit, we can all sense this. The desire for it burns in our hearts like an eternal flame. Yet all too often we find ourselves frustrated. As we try to move forward into the abundant life Jesus promised us in the Bible, it sometimes seems as if the door to it is locked. It's a puzzle. We know this isn't God's will for us. We know it isn't our destiny. But the solution is a mystery This book is about a key that unlocks this...
Every person has a divine destiny. Every born again believer has been called to live a life marked by the victory, power, character, and holiness of G...
Do you often find yourself in pressure situations where you feel like you don't have the wisdom to make the right decisions? Pressure often pushes people into making poor choices. God's wisdom will keep pressure from pushing you around. Tapping Into Wisdom's Treasures will teach you how to listen to God and draw wisdom from The Holy Spirit. He'll give you His insight and prudence so you will know what to do, when to do it, how to do it, and with whom to do it, and the blessing of God will be on your life
Do you often find yourself in pressure situations where you feel like you don't have the wisdom to make the right decisions? Pressure often pushes peo...