This is a unique book, an anthology of Tai Chi Chuan. Produced by pupils and teachers following the Cheng Man-Ching way of Yang style Tai Chi Chuan, it paints a picture of the art seen not from a -how-to-do-it or the classics point of view, but from the experiences of those who are training: beginners, intermediate and advanced. It is enlived by excellent, right-on-the-button cartoons, guaranteed to raise a smile. The Description of a visit to England by a former pupil of Grand-Master Cheng, Master Tan Ching Ngee of Singapore, clarifies some important points about Grand-Master Cheng's...
This is a unique book, an anthology of Tai Chi Chuan. Produced by pupils and teachers following the Cheng Man-Ching way of Yang style Tai Chi Chuan, i...