It remained undisturbed, nearly forgotten by history, hidden away in the ruins of an abandoned fortress. The enchantments within its iron slumbered, its secrets protected by silence. Until someone discovered how to ring the Bell, other secrets would remain safe.
One day, while running an errand, a young store clerk took a wrong turn, then another, until he found himself deep within the old fortress where the Great Bell waited.
It waited for him.
And when the hapless clerk rang the Great Bell and released...
For centuries, the Great Bell was silent...
It remained undisturbed, nearly forgotten by history, hidden away in the ruins o...
Like a dark jewel, there are many facets to a curse. As the Bellringer now learns...
The conspiracy has formed. Robby will make his bid to become King. First, he must go to the mythical place called Griferis, on the far side of the world. But no sooner than their journey begins, Robby and his band of friends face delay and obstacle. Along the way, they make new acquaintances, people both inscrutable and mysterious.
Lord Tallin, brooding and powerful, haunted and paralyzed by a perfect memory. But he is the only person who might buy Robby the time he...
Like a dark jewel, there are many facets to a curse. As the Bellringer now learns...
The Dramatic Conclusion of The Year of the Red Door
The world teeters on the brink of destruction. There is only one hope. Only one chance to keep old promises, to heal old wounds, and to end, once and for all, the conflicts that torment the world. There is only one way to do it.