With the disappearance of a world renowned archaeologist, comes a great tale of treasure and magic. Dr. Benderman spent his life collecting mystical artifacts. On his last journey, Dr. Benderman headed an expedition to Egypt. No one knows what Dr. Benderman discovered, but it is said to be hidden in Eastville. After Dr. Benderman's disappearance, rumor began to circulate about his hidden treasure. After many people searched in vain for the treasure, the town became quiet. Then, in the summer, the story of his treasure caught the interest of four teens. The teens make a plan to sneak into Dr....
With the disappearance of a world renowned archaeologist, comes a great tale of treasure and magic. Dr. Benderman spent his life collecting mystical a...
With the disappearance of a world renowned archaeologist, comes a great tale of treasure and magic. Dr. Benderman spent his life collecting mystical artifacts. On his last journey, Dr. Benderman headed an expedition to Egypt. No one knows what Dr. Benderman discovered, but it is said to be hidden in Eastville. After Dr. Benderman's disappearance, rumor began to circulate about his hidden treasure. After many people searched in vain for the treasure, the town became quiet. Then, in the summer, the story of his treasure caught the interest of four teens. The teens make a plan to sneak into Dr....
With the disappearance of a world renowned archaeologist, comes a great tale of treasure and magic. Dr. Benderman spent his life collecting mystical a...