The story of Little Goody Two Shoes, was one of the most famous, popular and influential children's/adults books of the eighteenth century. It was first published in 1765 and had an unparalleled status for over two hundred years. At long last, Michael Levy has renewed, refreshed, revitalized and recreated the literature masterpiece. By the inspirational pen of Michael Levy, the creative publication has been gracefully transformed, while at the same time keeping to the original text and meaning as much as possible. It is an updated, encouraging book that is required inspiring reading for all...
The story of Little Goody Two Shoes, was one of the most famous, popular and influential children's/adults books of the eighteenth century. It was fir...
Wellness, Dis-ease Prevention, Vital - Energetic Living. Mind, Body Spirit, Wisdom Truth, Insights Inspiration, Mindfulness, Spirituality Prudent Highways to Preserve Assets Authentic Mental States of Mind Plus: any current topic, theme or news you would like to understand without biases, close-mindedness or personal opinionated slant
Are you seizing the day or are you allowing the day to seize you? Have you lost your bliss? Have you been duped by expert advice that lost you money in the stock market? Do you want to know when it is the best time to invest? Is your job or business thriving in today's market place? Do you find it impossible to lose weight on a diet because you put back whatever you lost? Have you ever taken pills for depression? Is fear, greed and doom capturing your joy? Do you really want to know who is controlling your
Are you seizing the day or are you allowing the day to seize you? Have you lost your bliss? Have you been duped by expert advice that lost you money i...