Homere VIII Eme Siecle Avant J. -C M. Philippe Ballin M. Charles LeCont
Homer Homeros, "hostage" or "one who is obliged to follow" is deemed to be a bard (poet) in the late eighth century BC. AD It was simply called "the Poet" by the ancients. The first two works of Western literature are the Iliad and the Odyssey are attributed to him. Homere Homeros, otage ou celui qui est oblige de suivre est repute avoir ete un aede (poete) de la fin du VIIIesiecle av.J.-C. Il etait simplement surnomme le Poete par les Anciens. Les deux premieres uvres de la litterature occidentale que sont l'Iliade et l'Odyssee lui sont attribuees. Il est encore difficile d'etablir...
Homer Homeros, "hostage" or "one who is obliged to follow" is deemed to be a bard (poet) in the late eighth century BC. AD It was simply called "the P...