What if your daughter would suddenly stop speaking, communicating with you and the world? Read this very mysterious story to try and discover what is wrong with Alicia You will enjoy a plot full of suspense from the very first page through to the very last words of the very last page This book is written in a unique style that will put you at the heart of the action of this moving and intriguing story. Will Alicia start to speak again? The author is really thrilled to see that the vast majority of his readers are proving him right to persevere with his refreshing style, as the very positive...
What if your daughter would suddenly stop speaking, communicating with you and the world? Read this very mysterious story to try and discover what is ...
Quelle serait votre reaction si votre fille s'arretait soudainement de parler, de communiquer avec vous et le monde? Lisez cette histoire tres mysterieuse pour decouvrir ce qui ne va pas chez Alicia Vous apprecierez une intrigue pleine de suspense, de la toute premiere page aux tous derniers mots de la toute derniere page Ce livre est ecrit dans un style unique qui vous placera au c ur de l'action de cette histoire emouvante et intrigante. Alicia recommencera-t-elle a parler? Existe aussi en version anglaise ('Alicia to the Power of Three') traduit directement par l'auteur, totalement...
Quelle serait votre reaction si votre fille s'arretait soudainement de parler, de communiquer avec vous et le monde? Lisez cette histoire tres mysteri...
Discover the great sense of humour of the French language French like you've never learnt it at school The French do speak a funny language indeed Funnily enough they don't even know it What do you think they mean when they say: 'Did you casserole her/him last night?' or 'He farts in silken sheets '? You do not need to know any French to enjoy reading this book as the 120+ very typical phrases contained in the book are translated literally into English and introduced in context through five hilarious anecdotes (all in English too), depicting two young Frenchies' first trip in England. A...
Discover the great sense of humour of the French language French like you've never learnt it at school The French do speak a funny language indeed ...
Discover the great sense of humour of the French language French like you've never learnt it at school The French do speak a funny language indeed Funnily enough they don't even know it What do you think they mean when they say: 'Did you casserole her/him last night?' or 'He farts in silken sheets '? The expressions are introduced in context through five hilarious anecdotes (written all in French) depicting two young Frenchies' first trip in England. A glossary in English is also provided after each story to further assist you into guessing and enjoying the meaning of these handpicked...
Discover the great sense of humour of the French language French like you've never learnt it at school The French do speak a funny language indeed ...