A true story and heart-warming account of an old goose who loses his life-long mate, Lucy. His human, Rose-Z, buys a male and female for him and a chick is born. The old male adopts the new family and is so grateful to get a second chance of a happy life. All ages love this book. Contains 40 photos by the author.
A true story and heart-warming account of an old goose who loses his life-long mate, Lucy. His human, Rose-Z, buys a male and female for him and a chi...
A true and heartwarming story about the 'Goose-Z family' in Clear Lake Shores, Texas. It contains 60 beautiful photos taken by the author/photographer, of a family of 4 white chinese geese and their friends, 40 mallards and 4 muskovy ducks. This second book chronicles the first year of life for the baby Peep Peep and how he had to grow up fast and adapt to survive in the wild.
A true and heartwarming story about the 'Goose-Z family' in Clear Lake Shores, Texas. It contains 60 beautiful photos taken by the author/photographer...