"The Japanese invasion of Singapore sets the backdrop for this World War II saga of loyalty, love, and the promise of liberation. Under the Pong Pong Tree by Hal Levey delves into the brutality of foreign occupation from a woman's perspective, allowing a candid portrayal of a war victim to emerge from the pages of this gritty chronicle. ...The prose is sensitive, knowledgeable, and empathetic, covering intriguing topics across an extensive time line." -Clarion Review 5 stars "This utterly compelling historical novel revolves around several characters whose lives have been irrevocably changed...
"The Japanese invasion of Singapore sets the backdrop for this World War II saga of loyalty, love, and the promise of liberation. Under the Pong Pong ...
"The Japanese invasion of Singapore sets the backdrop for this World War II saga of loyalty, love, and the promise of liberation. Under the Pong Pong Tree by Hal Levey delves into the brutality of foreign occupation from a woman's perspective, allowing a candid portrayal of a war victim to emerge from the pages of this gritty chronicle. ...The prose is sensitive, knowledgeable, and empathetic, covering intriguing topics across an extensive time line." -Clarion Review 5 stars "This utterly compelling historical novel revolves around several characters whose lives have been irrevocably changed...
"The Japanese invasion of Singapore sets the backdrop for this World War II saga of loyalty, love, and the promise of liberation. Under the Pong Pong ...