We Defy is the story of a band of Texans who become frustrated with the loss of liberty in their lives and determine that the situation is no longer tolerable. Using the past as a guide, they found their own community and proceed to establish a society based on the principles which originally governed the United States and Texas. They decide to ignore unconstitutional edicts of the national government and live as the founders of the United States intended for free people to live. The Texans are equally willing to use the soap box, ballot box, and cartridge box as the situation dictates. As...
We Defy is the story of a band of Texans who become frustrated with the loss of liberty in their lives and determine that the situation is no longer ...
Roberts' phone rang. Although a doctor was working on his wound, he answered the call because it was the Governor calling. It very likely did not take long for his remarks to the press to reach the Governor. Indeed, the Governor was irate. "You really exceeded your authority this time when you told the US Government it had one week to get out of Texas. Half the time I'm glad you are on my side, I think. The other half of the time, like now, I'd like to fire you. But, we both know that I can't do that. What were you thinking when you said that?" Roberts knew that now the Governor was boxed in....
Roberts' phone rang. Although a doctor was working on his wound, he answered the call because it was the Governor calling. It very likely did not take...
Independence is the story of a Texas determined to restore the blessings of liberty to its citizenry and enforce Constitutional restraints on the federal government of the United States. This book is the author's second novel and sequel to We Defy
Independence is the story of a Texas determined to restore the blessings of liberty to its citizenry and enforce Constitutional restraints on the fed...