The third installment in the Eclectic Writings Series is a collection of short stories of varied genres all taking place in Las Vegas. The cheesy wedding chapel and the Vegas Elvis make their appearance. Other tales take you on a wild ride through surprising and even horrific landscapes. Eclectic Authors Mel Algood and Andrea Barbosa return with great stories accompanied by new voices in the series. Don't miss volume four, Eclectically Cosmic coming soon, and check out Eclectically Carnal and Eclectically Criminal already available for purchase.
The third installment in the Eclectic Writings Series is a collection of short stories of varied genres all taking place in Las Vegas. The cheesy wedd...
Eclectically Cosmic is the fourth installment of the Eclectic Writings Series. This unique collection represents the Cosmic theme well beyond the run-of-the-mill scifi/space concepts, though we have some great space stories within. These tales connect to the conceptualization of fate and cosmic destiny. A wonderful mix of genres, this compilation brings back the talents of Andrea Barbosa, Cathy Clay, Chantell Renee, and Verstandt. New to the series are authors Thomas Edward Smith, Mollie Anne Gates, Dorothy Tinker, D. Marie Prokop, and Peter Venerable. Enjoy these tales of all things Cosmic...
Eclectically Cosmic is the fourth installment of the Eclectic Writings Series. This unique collection represents the Cosmic theme well beyond the run-...