Este diario puede ayudar con una variedad de diferentes problemas de salud. La gente a menudo fallan en hacer cambios de estilo de vida porque hacen cambios que son dificiles de mantener a largo plazo. Si su plan para esta diario es para ayudar con la perdida de peso, por favor, recuerde que una perdida de peso saludable es solo alrededor de una a dos libras por semana. Siga todas de las metas, incluso si usted piensa que son una tonteria. Estos objetivos tienen el proposito de mejorar su mente, cuerpo y alma."
Este diario puede ayudar con una variedad de diferentes problemas de salud. La gente a menudo fallan en hacer cambios de estilo de vida porque hacen c...
Healthy Weight Loss for Kids and the Young at Heart is a 90 day guided weight loss journal designed for kids ages 10 and up, but it can also be used by adults who want a fun way to get back into shape. This journal focuses on increasing physical activity; eating more fruits and vegetables; staying well hydrated; setting goals; and keeping a positive attitude. The journal changes habits slowly, which increases the chances that they will be maintained. It also contains several health tips. For additional health information visit
Healthy Weight Loss for Kids and the Young at Heart is a 90 day guided weight loss journal designed for kids ages 10 and up, but it can also be used b...
We all have something at some point in our lives that we want to look our best for, whether it be a wedding, high school reunion, or vacation. Why not use that excuse to get healthy once and for all? This guide gives you the tools to work towards getting in the best shape of your life now and beyond whatever special event you are preparing for. Write your reason for beginning this program on the cover. Inside you will find health tips and a direct guide for what you should be doing everyday or every other day (just remember to continue to drink your water, and eat your fruit and veggies on...
We all have something at some point in our lives that we want to look our best for, whether it be a wedding, high school reunion, or vacation. Why not...
It's hard to stay positive in this day and age. Even harder when you go through a divorce, battle depression, or lose a loved one. I know all three a little too well. I also know that to fight the sadness that comes with those life events you need to consciously work at being positive and find reasons to get up each morning. When my sister died at 27, I kept focusing on the fact that she was no longer living. I took it extremely hard and spiraled into a funk that was hard to get out of. Every moment of happiness was followed by feelings of guilt for being happy. I cried and I cried some more....
It's hard to stay positive in this day and age. Even harder when you go through a divorce, battle depression, or lose a loved one. I know all three a ...
Loss of brain function is a scary thing. I remember after my Father watched my Grandfather slowly lose his mind and then his life to Alzheimer's he tried every way he could to not meet the same fate. He played a lot of Sudoku, tried to eat a healthier diet, and exercised daily. Sudoku seems to be the main exercise people go to when they fear dementia. Sudoku is great at exercising your brain, but it only exercises the brain's mathematical functions. If you are planning on doing lots of Math during your golden years, then doing Sudoku every day is perfect for you. If you would like to ensure...
Loss of brain function is a scary thing. I remember after my Father watched my Grandfather slowly lose his mind and then his life to Alzheimer's he tr...
La perdida de la funcion cerebral es una cosa de miedo. Recuerdo que despues de que mi padre vio a mi abuelo perder lentamente su mente y luego su vida a la enfermedad de Alzheimer que trato de todas las maneras que pudo para no cumplir con el mismo destino. El jugo un monton de Sudoku, trato de comer una dieta mas saludable, y se ejercito diariamente. Sudoku parece ser el ejercicio principal que la gente va a cuando temen la demencia. Sudoku es grande en el ejercicio de su cerebro, pero solo ejerce las funciones matematicas del cerebro. Si usted esta planeando hacer un monton de matematicas...
La perdida de la funcion cerebral es una cosa de miedo. Recuerdo que despues de que mi padre vio a mi abuelo perder lentamente su mente y luego su vid...