This is the story of one family's journey through life and the obstacles they overcame with their never-ending love, passion, desire, and loyalty. The story begins with the coming of age of Melissa Stark and then becomes interwoven with the fabric of life of the rest of her loving and caring family. Melissa was a passionate, rebellious young girl who came from a long line of fiercely independent, liberated women. She was a free-spirited truth seeker, wise beyond her years. Her relentless pursuit of the stream of consciousness of a higher power brought her to an Eden-like place full of peace...
This is the story of one family's journey through life and the obstacles they overcame with their never-ending love, passion, desire, and loyalty. The...
This is the story of one family's journey through life and the obstacles they overcame with their never-ending love, passion, desire, and loyalty. The story begins with the coming of age of Melissa Stark and then becomes interwoven with the fabric of life of the rest of her loving and caring family. Melissa was a passionate, rebellious young girl who came from a long line of fiercely independent, liberated women. She was a free-spirited truth seeker, wise beyond her years. Her relentless pursuit of the stream of consciousness of a higher power brought her to an Eden-like place full of peace...
This is the story of one family's journey through life and the obstacles they overcame with their never-ending love, passion, desire, and loyalty. The...