If you had the opportunity to ask an extraterrestrial questions, what would they be? What mysteries would you like to see declassified? Learn the true history of the Earth, from an alien's perspective, as author and channeler Barry Strohm communicates with and receives information from the spirit of an alien named Mou. Discover that aliens have the ability to communicate through psychic channeling and explain our deepest planetary mysteries. Unearth the real truth about Roswell, the Rendlesham Forest Lights, alien abductions, heaven, alien references in the Bible, types of extraterrestrials,...
If you had the opportunity to ask an extraterrestrial questions, what would they be? What mysteries would you like to see declassified? Learn the true...
Throughout history, individuals have planned events that have harmed others and some of these actions have become conspiracy theories and mysteries. Through spirit board communications with the other side, explore the details of 26 of the world's most famous cases. Learn what President John Kennedy has to say about his own assassination and murder. Consider the words of General George Custer as he tells what happened at the Battle of the Little Big Horn--and who killed him. Find out about the murder of Abraham Lincoln and trace the strange events surrounding John Wilkes Booth. Discover...
Throughout history, individuals have planned events that have harmed others and some of these actions have become conspiracy theories and mysteries. T...