Es handelt sich um die UBERARBEITETE AUFLAGE. Dieses Buch hat schon im Vorfeld zu hitzigen Debatten gefuhrt. Hier zeigt sich wieder einmal, wie umstritten und emotional geladen das Thema Impfen ist. Impfkritische Literatur und impfkritische Menschen werden von bestimmten Kreisen heftig bekampft. Dies fuhrte bereits dazu, dass Hetzkampagnen im Internet gegen das Buch lanciert wurden (siehe Bewertungen des Buches). Zum Inhalt: Sarah freut sich schon riesig auf den Pfadfinderausflug. Aber es gibt ein Problem. Sie hat keinen Impfpass und will auch nicht geimpft werden. Kann sie trotzdem...
Es handelt sich um die UBERARBEITETE AUFLAGE. Dieses Buch hat schon im Vorfeld zu hitzigen Debatten gefuhrt. Hier zeigt sich wieder einmal, wie um...
Sarah is really excited about the upcoming Girl Scout trip. But there is a Problem. She has no vaccination card and doesn't want to be vaccinated. Can she still go or will she have to stay home? This book is dedicated to all children and parents who interact critically with vaccinations and refuse to give in to the constant vaccination propaganda. Parents who refused to vaccinate their children made this decision as a result of careful consideration, because they are convinced that vaccinations do more harm than good. The decision to not vaccinate is often not an easy one, because one so...
Sarah is really excited about the upcoming Girl Scout trip. But there is a Problem. She has no vaccination card and doesn't want to be vaccinated. Can...
BRITISH EDITION Sarah is really excited about the upcoming Girl Guide and Boy Scout trip but there is a problem: she has no vaccination record and doesn't want to be vaccinated. Can she still go or will she have to stay at home? This book is dedicated to all children and parents who are concerned about vaccinations and refuse to give in to the constant vaccination propaganda. Parents who refuse to vaccinate their children make this decision after careful consideration, because they are convinced that vaccinations do more harm than good. The decision not to vaccinate is often not an...
BRITISH EDITION Sarah is really excited about the upcoming Girl Guide and Boy Scout trip but there is a problem: she has no vaccination record and...
Sarah se rejouit beaucoup de son prochain camp scout. Mais il y a un probleme: elle ne possede pas de carnet de vaccination et ne veut pas etre vaccinee. Sera-t-elle acceptee ou devra-t-elle rester a la maison ? Cet ouvrage est dedie a tous les enfants et leurs parents qui reflechissent de facon critique au sujet des vaccinations et refusent de ceder a la constante propagande vaccinale. Les parents qui ont refuse de vacciner leurs enfants ont pris cette decision apres mure reflexion car ils sont convaincus que les vaccins font plus de mal que de bien. La decision de ne pas vacciner n'est...
Sarah se rejouit beaucoup de son prochain camp scout. Mais il y a un probleme: elle ne possede pas de carnet de vaccination et ne veut pas etre vaccin...
Sarah se alegra muchisimo de la excursion con los escoltas. Pero hay un problema. No tiene carnet vacunal y tampoco se quiere vacunar. A pesar de ello... podra ir de excursion o se habra de quedar en casa? Este libro esta dedicado a todos los ninos y a sus padres, hara que aprendan a tratar criticamente el tema de las vacunas y no acatar a la ubicua propaganda vacunal a la que nos quieren someter. Los padres que no permiten vacunar a sus hijos, han tomado esta decision despues de una cuidadosa consideracion, porque estan convencidos de que las vacunas hacen mas dano que bien. La decision...
Sarah se alegra muchisimo de la excursion con los escoltas. Pero hay un problema. No tiene carnet vacunal y tampoco se quiere vacunar. A pesar de ello...
AMERICAN EDITION Sarah is really excited about the upcoming Girl Scout trip but there is a problem: she has no vaccination record and doesn't want to be vaccinated.. Can she still go or will she have to stay home? This book is dedicated to all children and parents who are concerned about vaccinations and refuse to give in to the constant vaccination propaganda. Parents who refuse to vaccinate their children make this decision after careful consideration, because they are convinced that vaccinations do more harm than good. The decision not to vaccinate is often not an easy one,...
AMERICAN EDITION Sarah is really excited about the upcoming Girl Scout trip but there is a problem: she has no vaccination record and doesn't want...
Dit boek is geschreven voor alle ouders en kinderen die kritisch kijken naar het thema vaccinaties en zich niet willen laten leiden door de alom heersende vaccinatiepropaganda. Ouders die hun kinderen niet laten vaccineren zijn na zorgvuldig overwegen tot deze beslissing gekomen omdat ze ervan overtuigd zijn dat vaccineren meer schade dan gezondheid bewerkstelligt. De beslissing om niet te vaccineren is niet eenvoudig omdat men vaak veel kritiek te verduren krijgt en veel weerstand tegenkomt. Ik hoop dat jullie, ouders, door middel van dit boekje meer duidelijkheid kunnen krijgen voor jullie...
Dit boek is geschreven voor alle ouders en kinderen die kritisch kijken naar het thema vaccinaties en zich niet willen laten leiden door de alom heers...