Painted Lady is a short story of a young daughter who admires her mother. She sees the inner and outer beauty of her mother...and she loves her so much. This book is part of a six book series entitled, "The Family." It is hoped that this series of books will inspire families to read the bible together and spend more family time together. A preteen/young adult reader.
Painted Lady is a short story of a young daughter who admires her mother. She sees the inner and outer beauty of her mother...and she loves her so muc...
Valiant Man is the second short story of the series entitled, "The Family." Asher is inspired by his dad's love, strength and leadership. He discovers that his dad's strength comes from his devotion to God.
Valiant Man is the second short story of the series entitled, "The Family." Asher is inspired by his dad's love, strength and leadership. He discovers...
My Brother Asher is the sixth and last book in the series entitled, "The Family." This sixth book is the last letter written to Asher, from Adah his twin sister. It is hoped that this series of books will inspire the family to read the bible and share family time in a more intimate way.
My Brother Asher is the sixth and last book in the series entitled, "The Family." This sixth book is the last letter written to Asher, from Adah his t...