In this story about a young girl named Spark and her friend Falcon set in the Sedona valley, the author brings to life for young readers the awe, mystery, beauty, and joy found within all of nature in evocative language that both feeds the imagination and nourishes the spirit. Although this story is intended for young readers, adult readers will also enjoy this beautiful, mystical tale.
Spark's joy of being in nature, whether through play or contemplation, brought her to Red Rock Mesa and her solid friend Rock. This is where she also met a special bird, full of wisdom: Falcon.
In this story about a young girl named Spark and her friend Falcon set in the Sedona valley, the author brings to life for young readers the awe, m...
In this story about a young girl named Spark and her friend Falcon set in the Sedona valley, the author brings to life for young readers the awe, mystery, beauty, and joy found within all of nature in evocative language that both feeds the imagination and nourishes the spirit. Although this story is intended for young readers, adult readers will also enjoy this beautiful, mystical tale.
Spark's joy of being in nature, whether through play or contemplation, brought her to Red Rock Mesa and her solid friend Rock. This is where she also met a special bird, full of wisdom: Falcon.
In this story about a young girl named Spark and her friend Falcon set in the Sedona valley, the author brings to life for young readers the awe, m...