Karin Sofia Garbino Destini Sofia Felina Garbino Dylan Jade Giovani Garbino
A princess is listened to, a message is swept up by the man who dream weaves, and the delivered message gets through with the help of the raven. Discovering that all things with faith, gratitude, and patience do come true, and that some things we may not see or be aware of, are parts that play in Dream a Little Dream. Encouraging visual imagination and creativity, this dragon is not a fantasy. Enchanting illustrations painted in acrylics by Karin, Destini, and Dylan Garbino accompany this tenderhearted story of faith and gratitude. Told by Dylan Jade Giovani, Destini Sofia Felina, and Karin...
A princess is listened to, a message is swept up by the man who dream weaves, and the delivered message gets through with the help of the raven. Disco...