Ned E. Hoopingarner was born to Dee W. and Leura Maude Hoopingarner on December 17, 1924 in Uniondale, Indiana. He grew up in Zanesville, Indiana and graduated from East Union Center High School in 1943. Ned in 1943 was drafted in the US Army and served three years in World War II in Honolulu, Hawaii at First Haftner Army Base. Ned was released from the army in 1946 and for the next twenty years worked for his dad who owned a lumber yard and construction company. In 1966, Ned, then president of the lumber company decided along with his brother Neil to sell the business and move to Florida....
Ned E. Hoopingarner was born to Dee W. and Leura Maude Hoopingarner on December 17, 1924 in Uniondale, Indiana. He grew up in Zanesville, Indiana and ...