What you hold in your hands is a slice of humanity sharing one other characteristic - the surname Trott. It's more or less of the "polite school of literature," in other words aimless reading. And if the author slides into details of the New England branches, among which his ancestors may have been hanging or hanged, it is chiefly for their stories, too. Nor can he keep on that track for long - the rest of the Trotts in the world are too hard to resist. Any family name moderately researched would turn up thousands of knots and connections to famous and notorious persons, members with wide...
What you hold in your hands is a slice of humanity sharing one other characteristic - the surname Trott. It's more or less of the "polite school of li...
During the years he was writing this collection of poems, James Howard Trott was also putting together an extensive anthology of Christian poetry in English, A Sacrifice of Praise. His first edition was published in 1997, after which, in 1999, a kind friend found a bigger venue for its publication. Trott says in the Preface to that anthology, he, like many American poets, often felt his wrote poetry in a vacuum -- a condition neither necessary nor salubrious. "It was a desire to know how the Christian poet should write and speak to his own 'tribe' in his own 'tongue' that led me to begin this...
During the years he was writing this collection of poems, James Howard Trott was also putting together an extensive anthology of Christian poetry in E...
Land, Light, Wind, and Water is composed of poetic meditations on these four "elements" as they are experienced by those who dwell where the northern Great Plains meet the Rocky Mountains. Here are four cycles of poems: Land Sake; The Big Lights; What the Wind Said; and The Sound of Many Waters. Our (US) poetry is largely a poetry of place. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in its river settings was crowned by Hemingway as the Great American novel - and John G. Neihardt took the river themes into poetry, along with the plains and their peoples. The prairie, it's mountains, sky, and weather,...
Land, Light, Wind, and Water is composed of poetic meditations on these four "elements" as they are experienced by those who dwell where the northern ...
Although the phrase "separation of church and state" was not used until President Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists in 1802, and did not obtain its current usage until the 1940s, yet nothing in American history so subtly but thoroughly contributed to that idea as the Salem Witch troubles of 1692. Despite their huge impact on the colonies, and nation emerging from them, the story of what actually happened has been obscure, hid in mythological wrappings. Arthur Miller's The Crucible is most people's source of information about these strange events, yet Miller's primary agenda was to...
Although the phrase "separation of church and state" was not used until President Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists in 1802, and did not obta...
Thistle Dew is the third volume of the selected, collected poetry of James Howard Trott. The first two volumes were published as Immanence ( 1967-1988 ) and Contingency ( 1989-2001 ). Further volumes of Trott's poetry with more specific aims are: Land, Light, Wind and Water (poetry of the plains) and Conceptions and images (pro-life poems). The poet is also editor of A Sacrifice of Praise: An Anthology of Christian Poetry in English from Caedmon to the mid-Twentieth Century (2nd ed., 2006) and author of several prose works. The Poems in Thistle Dew were written from 2002 to 2007. They fit no...
Thistle Dew is the third volume of the selected, collected poetry of James Howard Trott. The first two volumes were published as Immanence ( 1967-1988...
When It Was Yet Dark God's grace meets us mysteriously in the most difficult of circumstances. Most central to this study are the passages toward the end of the four gospels. These deal with the events - and people -- surrounding the crucifixion, and particularly those afterward, leading up to the resurrection . There the faith of Christ's frightened followers seems most remarkable. Why did the women remain faithful even at the cross? Why did Joseph of Arimathea identify himself with this executed radical by asking the Romans for his body to bury? Why did the disciples gather in the upper...
When It Was Yet Dark God's grace meets us mysteriously in the most difficult of circumstances. Most central to this study are the passages toward the ...