Set in beautiful Austin, Texas, "Incredulity" is a contemporary story of Callie Fletcher, an official court reporter for Travis county, who meets and quickly falls in love with Dominic Jaxson, a Texas rancher. After several months of dating, Callie finds herself as happy and content as she was before she lost her
husband to cancer several years prior, until one morning, when reporting the day's court
proceedings, Jaxson is suddenly brought before the judge on murder charges.
Set in beautiful Austin, Texas, "Incredulity" is a contemporary story of Callie Fletcher, an official court reporter for Travis county, who meets a...
Emily knows she's being watched. Being locked away like a precious toy is all she knows, but when faded memories start to surface, she decides to take matters into her own hands and find the truth. Unfortunately, her husband tracks her every move... and she doesn't know what, or who, to trust.
Enter Callie and Dom. After recovering from a close call with a human trafficking ring, they step back in to help a new friend find his abducted daughter. But even if they find Emily, she may not let them help.
The search leads the couple to places they never expected--in...
Emily knows she's being watched. Being locked away like a precious toy is all she knows, but when faded memories start to surface, she decides to t...