"Time of Destruction," continues the story of Arthur Helman, Laura Engler, and Austin Johnson, which began in the Short Story, "Prelude to Destruction" ( Available on Amazon.com ) In "Prelude to Destruction," we caught a glimpse of Helman's lust for personal power and his vendetta against Hydroteck, his biggest competitor in the electric power field. "Time of Destruction" follows the devious exploits of Helman, and later the heroic efforts of Jerry Sheryl and Austin Johnson, as a catastrophic destructive force strikes the Earth in 2085, catapulting Johnson and Sheryl into a time paradox. As...
"Time of Destruction," continues the story of Arthur Helman, Laura Engler, and Austin Johnson, which began in the Short Story, "Prelude to Destruction...
Christians everywhere have been waking up to the fact they've bought into a fake belief system. One that makes them become something they're not. This "system" of belief can be called religion or a religious spirit. Whatever you want to call it, there can be devasting affects on the minds of those who have subjected themselves to it's captivity. Everything from performance driven burnout to becoming a completely different person, the religious spirit sucks the life out of anyone who subjects themselves to it. The Pharisees of old mastered it's formula in order to hold people in bondage to...
Christians everywhere have been waking up to the fact they've bought into a fake belief system. One that makes them become something they're not. This...
Understanding Humor through Communication explores theories of humor origin as well as humor functions in human groups and societies through communication. A model of humor decision by individuals is detailed, followed by humor's emergence in communication. Elements of humor sources (incongruity, superiority, and relief), humor intent (comic or tragic perspectives), and humor perception (ego-involvement, script awareness, bona-fide messages, and non-bona-fide messages) are incorporated. Persuasive, organizational, and interpersonal settings involving humor are explored in depth to consider...
Understanding Humor through Communication explores theories of humor origin as well as humor functions in human groups and societies through communica...