Book is at a new price more than three times cheaper as it originally was. The book is a unique insight into the movement complete with photos, and a side to the tale few have known from deep inside the movement that shows the mistakes that were made that can be corrected to make a even better movement. It also includes articles the author wrote at the time in the movement when things were fresh in his mind. There are 16 chapters. The author was practically on every occupy camp in the east coast, starting in New England through days of homelessness, where he met intellectuals like Chomsky and...
Book is at a new price more than three times cheaper as it originally was. The book is a unique insight into the movement complete with photos, and a ...
Al's second book attempts to gather his experiences and theories into a revolutionary scenario, in The Unfinished Revolution, Al expands from the occupy movement he was a part of, takes the mistakes that were made, and shows the importance of leadership and organization in a movement. Using world examples in history, and applying them to the US, along with some of his articles, Al demonstrates a new society is not only possible, but inevitable. A new movement is needed, is probable to come about soon, hopefully this book will be a contributing factor to that. This book is dedicated to the...
Al's second book attempts to gather his experiences and theories into a revolutionary scenario, in The Unfinished Revolution, Al expands from the occu...
Suarez's third book discusses much of the same revolutionary ideas of the previous two. The last part of the book was written shortly after the author returned from a trip from Philadelphia, and this trip inspired him to complete the novel. The novel explains how the vanguard, in particular the youth, especially in the US, need to organize in a revolutionary movement.
Suarez's third book discusses much of the same revolutionary ideas of the previous two. The last part of the book was written shortly after the author...
Suarez's fourth book covers the internal contradictions of US society reflected in its system, especially in its treatment of the poor, working class, and people of color. The land of the free home of the brave has contradictions in its current form and history that a lot of authors refuse to go over. Suarez delves into this social dilemma like he always done, with passion, analysis and deep reflection. The book is unique since it touches on imperialism which usually focuses on US foreign policy, Suarez stresses there is domestic implications in this policy as well that cannot be ignored. He...
Suarez's fourth book covers the internal contradictions of US society reflected in its system, especially in its treatment of the poor, working class,...
El cuarto libro de Suarez se trata de las contradicciones internos de la sociedad estaunidense reflejado en su sistema, especialmente cuando se trata de los pobres, clase obrera y gente de color. La tierra de los libres, hogar de los valientes, tiene sus contradicciones en su forma actual y en su historia, donde muchos autores no quieren tocar. Suarez escribe sobre los dilemas sociales, como siempre lo hace, con una pasion, analisis, y refleccion profunda. El libro es unico, y habla sobre el imperialismo, lo cual normalmente enfoce en la politica extranjera de EEUU, pero Suarez dice que hay...
El cuarto libro de Suarez se trata de las contradicciones internos de la sociedad estaunidense reflejado en su sistema, especialmente cuando se trata ...
The book has color images but the cover is black and white to contrast. As described on back of book the cover is the moment Malcolm X met Fidel Castro in NY. The author's sixth political book "Grandsons of the Revolution" will be about the grandsons of Leon Trotsky, Malcolm X and Che Guevara. The Pariah's Manifesto acts as a prequel to this, which talks in particular on how activists in the US have been turned into pariahs by corporate media, and Suarez also exposes the dangers of what he calls "The Trump Complex" and how this can bring fascism and hate to worsen the US social problems in...
The book has color images but the cover is black and white to contrast. As described on back of book the cover is the moment Malcolm X met Fidel Castr...