Based on the animated short film of the same name, "Shoot" tells the story of a star who wants to shoot, but can't. Written by Justin Garcia (creator of "Scary Cotton"), this rhyming storybook teaches an important lesson about purpose, one for readers young and old.
Based on the animated short film of the same name, "Shoot" tells the story of a star who wants to shoot, but can't. Written by Justin Garcia (creator ...
Have you ever been kept awake at night with the feeling that there is more to life than meets the eye? This is the testimony of a boy whose sought all his life to find what that 'more' is. This atheist-turned-Christian's testimony is accompanied by poetry that reveals the deep emotions of a young child seeking God.
Have you ever been kept awake at night with the feeling that there is more to life than meets the eye? This is the testimony of a boy whose sought all...