Looking to get the most out of music lessons for yourself or your child? If you have questions, this book has answers Learn everything about choosing the right instrument, choosing the right lessons provider, benefits of beginning at different ages, how to practice effectively at home and how to use the internet as a learning supplement. Cut the confusion and start your musical journey in the right way with the leading expert in music education, Jen Hickle, as she shares her knowledge and expertise from 20 years of teaching music.
Looking to get the most out of music lessons for yourself or your child? If you have questions, this book has answers Learn everything about choosing...
Jen Hickle, business owner and stay at home mom of 4, brings 15 years' experience to "Happy Kids, Growing Biz." This book is packed with practical solutions to the most common questions that work at home moms face: How do I get it all done? How do I grow my company and still devote time to my marriage and my kids? Is this even possible? How do I stay sane? Is it possible to work and homeschool? How do I balance it all? In only 5 years, Jen took her side business (netting under 15K for the year) to be the family's main income, grossing $500,000 per year and netting a 6 figure income. Jen gives...
Jen Hickle, business owner and stay at home mom of 4, brings 15 years' experience to "Happy Kids, Growing Biz." This book is packed with practical sol...